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First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81mbpr11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71erir11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81y2n711 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81srtf11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  527cea11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81woug11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  810bb011 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91rwoj11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91hnxp11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  813tuw11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81fdao11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71keuk11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  D2813611 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81o2gy11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ehbh11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  616hdl11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71aejw11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71khf611 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81lukb11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ljrz11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71fmc-11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71m2ee11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71cvuh11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81axua11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kyss11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81umi-11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81qsqx11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71fwav11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  61p3wb11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71lqou11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  7106w811 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81u3ln11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  812fan11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81fbzt11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81qsse11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81gfob11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ajoh11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81pkpa11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81-e6o11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81zfcj11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ucxs11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81mcrr11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81agkg11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  7154mt11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81iww111 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71aqzb11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81aw6i11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ryit11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81wlfw11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81nime11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81o4sf11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81-fy911 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91jiiv11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kquj11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71g1ti11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81oyep11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ap-x11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81vxdy11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81pong11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  8173vx11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  919r7b11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kyup11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91oioq11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kkn611 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91d5u511 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71fl3g11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81gaf-11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  818jzn11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91wkpm11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81r4wb11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71xnyx11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  712j3s11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71ldfx11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kil511 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81f8g312 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71l3zb11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81pclh11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  818qki11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71imao11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  810osi11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81jnha11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71sya111 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81v1yk11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81n8ox11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  711mmx11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  816pii11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71dp-d11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81uyap11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  61chnu11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  814xz711 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  814dhc11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81wszw11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81b3y211 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81hhat11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81zajn11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71yd1011 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71txse11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81-xg211 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71pd0a11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ma0s11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71byba11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91xccc11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  714o4y11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81w7ms11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  61yuex11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81hvh411 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71zvc011 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71ufjc11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  91sjqm11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81oi1f11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ntn211 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81u9tq11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81rgkt11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71gpwv11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71gujm11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81kkrf11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71k9xv12 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81tszu11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81lykg12 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  815hos11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81jlta11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81sg8011 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  718uri11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81ykvj11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71g3yc11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71sik311 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  71kujz11 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  81bj5x11

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» Les Frères Luna T4 : Lié à l'Oméga - Ashe Moon
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 11:03 par smalad

» Les Frères Luna T3 : Marqué pour l'Oméga - Ashe Moon
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 11:05 par smalad

» Heaven Official's Blessing T2 : La Bénédiction des Cieux - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 11:00 par smalad

» High School Lies - Sem Chastel
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 10:52 par smalad

» Des liens indestructibles T8 : Fusion- Rinda Elliott & Jocelynn Drake
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 10:45 par smalad

» Nao - Vanessa Degardin
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:39 par smalad

» Meurtre et Sorcellerie T5 : Le culte des Croyants - Sam Burns
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:34 par smalad

» Wolves Of Dawn T4 : Lycaon - Ren G. Wolf
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:26 par smalad

» Le Godet de Mason - Angelique Jurd
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:15 par smalad

» Un joyeux massacre pour Noël - Aurélie Chateaux-Martin
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:10 par smalad

» L'éternité pour s'aimer - George J. Ghislain
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 9:07 par smalad

» Les Frères Luna T1 : Marié à l'Oméga - Ashe Moon
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeDim 17 Nov - 14:59 par smalad

» True Love, Fake Boyfriend - Laëtitia Tran
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Nov - 8:59 par smalad

» Les Frères Luna T2 : Docteur de l'Oméga- Ashe Moon
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Nov - 8:48 par smalad

» Les Loups Renégats du Bosquet des Métamorphes T4 : Reject Me Baby One More Time - Blake R. Wolfe
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeSam 16 Nov - 8:31 par smalad

» Four Kings Sécurité T5 et Wild Cards T4 : Joyeux Noël, les Kings !- Charlie Cochet
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 12:08 par smalad

» Noël au Canada (avec un bûcheron grincheux) - Amélie C. Astier
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 11:25 par smalad

» Wyoming T3 : Les pluies printanières - RJ Scott
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 11:19 par smalad

» Malédiction de Sang - Morrigan Black
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 11:00 par smalad

» Chester Falls T0 : Comment attraper un Libraire - Ana Ashley
First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 10:53 par smalad

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 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell

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2 participants


Féminin Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2014
Age : 39
Localisation : Quelque part dans l'est de la France...

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeSam 6 Fév - 18:05

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  First-10

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2534697122First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1997922972First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1233418First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3916527423First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2658551721First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1934275347First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  72188805Like a Star @ heavenFirst and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3771153172First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1886922373First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  125769235First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1886922373First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3771153172Like a Star @ heavenFirst and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  72188805First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1934275347First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2658551721First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3916527423First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1233418First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1997922972

Caleb Stone was raised on the Upper East Side, where wealth and lineage reigns, and “alternative lifestyles” are hidden. It took him years to come out to his family, but he’s still stuck in the stranglehold of their expectations. Caleb knows he has to build his confidence and shake things up, but he doesn’t know how… until Oliver Buckley enters the picture.

Oli is everything Caleb isn't—risk-taking, provocative, and independent. He cut ties with his own family because they wouldn't accept his sex-positive lifestyle. Caleb can’t decide if he’s envious or smitten, but after a chance encounter on New Year’s Eve, he realizes he's both.

As Caleb sheds the insecurities that have held him back for years, he makes bold steps toward changing his career and escaping years of sexual repression. But for Caleb to take full control of his life, he has to be brave enough to confront his feelings and trust Oli with his heart.

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  125769235First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1886922373First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3771153172Like a Star @ heavenFirst and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  72188805First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1934275347First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2658551721First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3916527423First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1233418First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1997922972First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2534697122First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1997922972First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1233418First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3916527423First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  2658551721First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1934275347First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  72188805Like a Star @ heavenFirst and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3771153172First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1886922373First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  125769235

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Féminin Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2014
Age : 39
Localisation : Quelque part dans l'est de la France...

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeSam 5 Mar - 10:37

Ca y est, on a une date: le 18 avril First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  601175505 First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  1868783613
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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMer 20 Avr - 10:34

Je l'ai placé dans la bonne section, on attend ton avis Serial Very Happy
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Féminin Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2014
Age : 39
Localisation : Quelque part dans l'est de la France...

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeMer 20 Avr - 21:06

Aussitôt demandé, aussitôt reçu Very Happy

Ce 3ème tome est consacré à Caleb, l'ex de David et à Oli tous deux rencontrés dans le tome deux.
Dans le tome précédent, Caleb était présenté comme une homme snob, condescendant et coincé (enfin c'est comme ça que je l'ai perçu), c'est un homme qui s'est bridé toute sa vie, qui a tendance à s'apitoyer sur son sort et qui se cherche. Pourtant on sent bien que derrière tout ça se cache un homme volcanique et débauché même si après tout ces années d'auto restriction il a encore parfois du mal à se laisser aller.

Oli quant à lui, c'est le fêtard qui ne s'attache pas. Libre et libéré il mène sa vie comme il l'entend. Il parait un peu superficiel et très centré sur le sexe mais il cache de profondes blessures qui le rendent vulnérable. Une vulnérabilité qui le terrifie, ce qui fait qu'il a tendance à se comporter comme un trou du c** ^^

Une nuit torride, dont Caleb peine à se souvenir pour cause d'abus d'alcool, va cependant changer la donne entre les deux hommes (c'est un prologue qui en dit peu mais qui laisse pantelant ^^). Caleb va se réveiller et se révéler, va commencer à assumer ses fantasmes (très chauds) et ses désirs, aidé en cela par Oli.
Oli lui se retrouve à vouloir réitéré l'expérience, encore et encore et ce, malgré le risque de s'attacher à Caleb.
Mais bon, vous vous doutez bien que ce n'est pas aussi simple que ça. Un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière. C'est le crédo de Caleb et Oli!

On est clairement dans la romance érotique pour le coup... WTF c'est chaud-bouillant First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  3495589278 (j'ai lu que Santino Hassell en était tout gêné quand il envoyait les épreuves à ses bêta-lecteurs... trop mignon I love you ). Les deux hommes sont passionnés et aiment le sexe "brutal" (mais pas dans le sens BDSM, plutôt dans le sens..... sauvage et animal).
Ce qui a de bien avec cet auteur c'est qu'il fait grandir et évoluer ses personnages, qui sont toujours forts et accrocheurs (et qui ne pleurent pas à tout bout de champs ou ne disent pas "je t'aime" au bout de 2 jours). Ses personnages secondaires sont aussi toujours très bine travaillés. J'ai aimé dans ce tome l'évolution de la relation entre Caleb et Aiden et j'ai adoré le doux et exubérant Charles. Ils ont tous leur place dans le livre, aucun n'est de trop ou n'est inutile.

Bon de toute façon, j'adore cette série et j'adore cet auteur, donc je suis pas très objective  Razz . Si le 1er tome reste mon préféré, ce tome 3 est juste derrière  Smile
Je crois qu'il y aura 5 tome au total, et pour le coup je ne sais pas du tout sur qui portera le prochain tome (Charles peut-être? (oui, oui, oui bounce ) Ou bien Ashton? ).
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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Avr - 10:53

Cool merci de ton avis Very Happy

Là ce matin, je me demande si je me jette sur le troisième et dernier tome de Spencer Cohen ou si je suis sage et lis le troisième tome de sex in Seatle
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Féminin Messages : 1957
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2014
Age : 39
Localisation : Quelque part dans l'est de la France...

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Avr - 16:39

En effet c'est toujours difficile de choisir quel nouveau livre commencé.
Moi je prendrais le plus petite des deux comme ça je pourrais attaquer le 2ème plus rapidement Wink
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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitimeJeu 21 Avr - 22:24

Tu lis dans mes pensées c'est exactement ce que j'ai fait :-)
donc j'ai commencé par le Spencer
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First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell    First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell  Icon_minitime

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First and First (Five Bouroughs # 3) - Santino Hassell
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