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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81mbpr11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71erir11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81y2n711 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81srtf11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 527cea11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81woug11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 810bb011 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91rwoj11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91hnxp11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 813tuw11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81fdao11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71keuk11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 D2813611 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81o2gy11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ehbh11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 616hdl11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71aejw11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71khf611 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81lukb11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ljrz11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71fmc-11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71m2ee11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71cvuh11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81axua11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kyss11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81umi-11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81qsqx11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71fwav11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 61p3wb11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71lqou11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 7106w811 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81u3ln11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 812fan11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81fbzt11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81qsse11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81gfob11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ajoh11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81pkpa11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81-e6o11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81zfcj11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ucxs11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81mcrr11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81agkg11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 7154mt11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81iww111 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71aqzb11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81aw6i11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ryit11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81wlfw11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81nime11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81o4sf11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81-fy911 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91jiiv11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kquj11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71g1ti11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81oyep11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ap-x11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81vxdy11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81pong11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 8173vx11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 919r7b11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kyup11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91oioq11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kkn611 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91d5u511 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71fl3g11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81gaf-11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 818jzn11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91wkpm11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81r4wb11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71xnyx11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 712j3s11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71ldfx11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kil511 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81f8g312 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71l3zb11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81pclh11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 818qki11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71imao11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 810osi11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81jnha11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71sya111 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81v1yk11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81n8ox11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 711mmx11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 816pii11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71dp-d11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81uyap11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 61chnu11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 814xz711 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 814dhc11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81wszw11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81b3y211 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81hhat11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81zajn11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71yd1011 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71txse11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81-xg211 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71pd0a11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ma0s11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71byba11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91xccc11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 714o4y11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81w7ms11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 61yuex11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81hvh411 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71zvc011 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71ufjc11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 91sjqm11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81oi1f11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ntn211 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81u9tq11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81rgkt11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71gpwv11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71gujm11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81kkrf11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71k9xv12 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81tszu11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81lykg12 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 815hos11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81jlta11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81sg8011 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 718uri11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81ykvj11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71g3yc11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71sik311 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 71kujz11 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 81bj5x11

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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 11:03 par smalad

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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMar 19 Nov - 11:05 par smalad

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» Les Frères Luna T1 : Marié à l'Oméga - Ashe Moon
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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov - 10:53 par smalad

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 A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3

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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Nov - 12:13

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 26252827

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2534697122A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1997922972A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1233418A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3916527423A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2658551721A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1934275347A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 72188805Like a Star @ heavenA Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3771153172A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1886922373A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 125769235A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1886922373A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3771153172Like a Star @ heavenA Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 72188805A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1934275347A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2658551721A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3916527423A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1233418A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1997922972

Hunted by the crown, Prince Edward of Cassia struggles to adjust to his new reality. His consort and lover Percy is pregnant with their child. Their friend, Abelard Reynard, a former captain in the Royal Guard, never strays far from Percy or Edward, determined to keep them both safe. Edward, no stranger to hard work, is still at a loss when the hardship of a life on the run catches up with them. Percy's pregnancy progresses at a rapid rate, and the palace guards are always a step behind. It takes Reynard's skills from his secretive military career, an unexpected ally from within the Cassian Dynasty, and the love between Percy and Edward to keep the three of them safe as Percy's time draws near.

Keeping themselves safe and together may have been their goal originally, but as the trio travels across Cassia, through the garbage-strewn alleys of abandoned hamlets, to the opulence of the nobility's drawing rooms, the effects of their journey leave behind a lasting impression.

A rebellion is brewing in Cassia...sparked not from the lashes of oppression and cruelty, but born from love and a desire to see all of humanity treated as equals.

The final book of the grand love affair between prince and slave comes to a riotous conclusion in A Royal Rebellion.

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 125769235A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1886922373A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3771153172Like a Star @ heavenA Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 72188805A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1934275347A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2658551721A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3916527423A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1233418A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1997922972A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2534697122A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1997922972A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1233418A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3916527423A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 2658551721A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1934275347A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 72188805Like a Star @ heavenA Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 3771153172A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1886922373A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 125769235

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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Nov - 12:19

Je boude A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1134619791

C'était sensé être le dernier et en fait non, le prochain sort au printemps, totalement déçue A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1128608612

Bon la fin est quand même bien et met un certain point mais il reste tellement de choses à régler. Je vais devoir patienter.

Edward et Percy s'aiment toujours d'un amour fou et Percy commence à en avoir pas mal mare de sa situation loll, le pauvre chou. Les compères travaillent à mettre à mal le roi et à révéler tout ses secrets pour pouvoir s'attirer le vote de la population et mettre fin au règne de leur despotique père. C'est un livre huis-clos tout se passe au même endroit à comploter et attendre.

Moi je trouve que c'est le meilleur des trois car en plus d'avoir les personnages bien plantés maintenant, cette partie est plus complots que sexe.

Mon seul bémol, c'est que je dois attendre la suite... snif
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Messages : 561
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2014

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Nov - 12:23

Et bien, tu lis vite ma belle Shocked

Bon, sais-tu si celui qui sort au printemps sera le dernier ?

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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Nov - 12:51

Non je ne le sais pas :-(

Malgré le fait que je sois obligée d'attendre ca valais quand même la peine de lire la série car elle est vraiment bonne et de toute façon je suis habituée d'attendre, je le fais pour plein de séries.
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Messages : 561
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2014

A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitimeMer 25 Nov - 23:25

Oui, mais moi j'ai une mémoire de poisson A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1615610886 S'il y a trop d'attente entre les romans, j'en oublie beaucoup du tome précédant Rolling Eyes A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 1134619791
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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3   A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3 Icon_minitime

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A Royal Rebellion - Revella Hawthorne - Bred for love tome 3
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