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Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81mbpr11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71erir11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81y2n711 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81srtf11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 527cea11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81woug11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 810bb011 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91rwoj11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91hnxp11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 813tuw11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81fdao11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71keuk11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) D2813611 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81o2gy11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ehbh11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 616hdl11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71aejw11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71khf611 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81lukb11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ljrz11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71fmc-11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71m2ee11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71cvuh11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81axua11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kyss11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81umi-11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81qsqx11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71fwav11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 61p3wb11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71lqou11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 7106w811 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81u3ln11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 812fan11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81fbzt11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81qsse11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81gfob11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ajoh11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81pkpa11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81-e6o11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81zfcj11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ucxs11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81mcrr11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81agkg11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 7154mt11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81iww111 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71aqzb11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81aw6i11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ryit11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81wlfw11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81nime11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81o4sf11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81-fy911 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91jiiv11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kquj11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71g1ti11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81oyep11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ap-x11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81vxdy11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81pong11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 8173vx11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 919r7b11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kyup11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91oioq11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kkn611 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91d5u511 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71fl3g11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81gaf-11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 818jzn11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91wkpm11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81r4wb11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71xnyx11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 712j3s11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71ldfx11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kil511 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81f8g312 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71l3zb11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81pclh11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 818qki11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71imao11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 810osi11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81jnha11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71sya111 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81v1yk11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81n8ox11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 711mmx11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 816pii11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71dp-d11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81uyap11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 61chnu11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 814xz711 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 814dhc11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81wszw11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81b3y211 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81hhat11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81zajn11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71yd1011 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71txse11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81-xg211 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71pd0a11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ma0s11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71byba11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91xccc11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 714o4y11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81w7ms11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 61yuex11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81hvh411 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71zvc011 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71ufjc11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 91sjqm11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81oi1f11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ntn211 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81u9tq11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81rgkt11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71gpwv11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71gujm11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81kkrf11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71k9xv12 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81tszu11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81lykg12 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 815hos11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81jlta11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81sg8011 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 718uri11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81ykvj11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71g3yc11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71sik311 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 71kujz11 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 81bj5x11

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 Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)

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3 participants


Féminin Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2014
Age : 33
Localisation : Dans ma bulle

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Empty
MessageSujet: Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)   Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Icon_minitimeMar 10 Fév - 23:06

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 94072

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2534697122Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1997922972Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1233418Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3916527423Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2658551721Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1934275347Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 72188805Like a Star @ heavenGeography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3771153172Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1886922373Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 125769235Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1886922373Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3771153172Like a Star @ heavenGeography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 72188805Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1934275347Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2658551721Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3916527423Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1233418Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1997922972

Russel Middlebrook is convinced he's the only gay kid at Goodkind High School.

Then his online gay chat buddy turns out to be none other than Kevin, the popular but closeted star of the school's baseball team. Soon Russel meets other gay students, too. There's his best friend Min, who reveals that she is bisexual, and her soccer-playing girlfriend Terese. Then there's Terese's politically active friend, Ike.

But how can kids this diverse get together without drawing attention to themselves?

"We just choose a club that's so boring, nobody in their right mind would ever in a million years join it. We could call it Geography Club!"

Brent Hartinger's debut novel is a fast-paced, funny, and trenchant portrait of contemporary teenagers who may not learn any actual geography in their latest club, but who learn plenty about the treacherous social terrain of high school and the even more dangerous landscape of the human heart.

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 125769235Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1886922373Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3771153172Like a Star @ heavenGeography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 72188805Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1934275347Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2658551721Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3916527423Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1233418Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1997922972Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2534697122Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1997922972Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1233418Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3916527423Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 2658551721Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1934275347Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 72188805Like a Star @ heavenGeography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 3771153172Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 1886922373Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) 125769235

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Féminin Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2014
Age : 33
Localisation : Dans ma bulle

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)   Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Icon_minitimeMar 10 Fév - 23:19

Russel Middlebrook est désespéré, il se sent isolé dans son lycée où il a l'impression d'être le seul gay. Et lorsqu'il voit le traitement que tout le monde réserve à Brian Brund, la tête de turc locale, qui n'a pourtant rien fait d'autre que d'avoir un peu d'embonpoint et de l'acné, il n'ose même pas en parler à ses meilleurs amis, Gunnar et Min.

Lorsqu'il découvre qu'il est loin d'être seul dans ce cas, les jeunes décident de monter un club où ils pourraient se retrouver sans que le reste de leurs camarades ne se posent des questions. Ils décident d'appeler ce club le Geography Club, un club qui de loin aurait l'air si barbant qu'aucune personne saine d'esprit ne s'y inscrirait.

Ce livre aborde encore une fois le sujet des brimades au lycée, ainsi que le problème de l'acceptation de soi. Chacun des membres du Geography Club gère à sa manière son homosexualité: certains se cachent et seraient prêts à tout pour rester dans leur placard, quand d'autres se cherchent et se demandent si l'on peut vraiment être heureux en vivant cachés.

Russel, le narrateur, est à mourir de rire ! Dès les premières lignes, on le retrouve dans le vestiaire des garçons après le cours de gym, et il décrit ça comme une bataille rangée sur un champ de mines dans une zone de guerre ! Son humour contribue beaucoup à alléger l'atmosphère du livre, et porte toute la première moitié du livre. Ensuite, Russel se met à se poser beaucoup de questions et on rie un peu moins, on est plus ému.

Et justement, j'ai trouvé ce livre très émouvant : je me suis énormément attachée à Russel, et je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de verser ma petite larme à la fin, tellement j'étais fière et triste et heureuse pour lui en même temps.

J'ai hâte de le retrouver dans le tome 2 de la série, qui compte pour le moment 4 tomes mais dont je ne sais pas si elle est finie

note : 4,5/5
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Féminin Messages : 2084
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2014
Age : 52

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)   Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Icon_minitimeMar 10 Fév - 23:24

Je ne connaissait pas cette série, merci de nous faire découvrir.
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Féminin Messages : 221
Date d'inscription : 08/12/2014
Age : 33
Localisation : Dans ma bulle

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)   Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Icon_minitimeMar 10 Fév - 23:26

De rien ! Et j'ai oublié de dire qu'ils en ont fait un film, qui porte le même titre et qui est sorti en 2013 apparemment. Je dois avouer que je ne l'ai pas vu cependant.
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Féminin Messages : 191
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2014
Age : 42

Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)   Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1) Icon_minitimeMer 12 Aoû - 19:55

Je viens de voir le film en question et je ne savais pas que c'était un livre à la base. Je pense que le bouquin doit être encore mieux.
Le film en lui même est plutôt sympathique. Au début, j'avais peur que ce soit un teen movie débile (je déteste ça... enfin la plupart du temps : vampire à mystéria Lane est vrai bon dans le genre teen movie débile, mais on approche du nanard à ce niveau)
Donc je reviens au film.

Il y a quelques pointes d'humour, des images, des éléments incrustés là dans le coin de l'image qui m'ont fait rire de par le décalage. Mais globalement, le film est assez sérieux sur les brimades et le choix de rentrer dans le moule ou non, se cacher, ou relever la tête et affronté les autres. J'avais posé la question à une époque à une amie américaine sur ce côté "populaire" et "non populaire" et cette culture de l'apparence dans les lycées américains. Et elle m'avais répondu que c'était en grande partie le cas et qu'elle ne faisait pas partie des populaires.
Concernant Russel, je l'ai adoré. Le film a su rester sérieux et ne pas tombé dans la nianniantitude de l'amourette adolescente.
Et en plus au vu du commentaire sur la fin du livre de Quinte, je dirais que la fin est respectée. J'ai éprouvé les mêmes sentiments à la fin du film. Un bon point pour un film américain, elles sont si rares les fins en demi-teinte.
Du coup, je vais garder cette série dans un coin, je me la lirais bien quand j'aurais un peu de temps.
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Geography Club, by Brent Hartinger (Russel Middlebrook #1)
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